How to use your own Submenu Icons

To use your own submenu icons follow the steps below:
  1. Create your own Vigeowebsite Submenu Icons as indicated in Designers > Submenu Icons
  2. Send us your theme as indicated in How to send us your custom files.
  3. We will verify if your submenu icons meets all the requirements.
  4. To upload your submenu icons follow this steps:
    1. Login to Dashboard.
    2. In the Main Menu click Settings.
    3. Under Settings select Submenu Icons option.
    4. On the Submenu Icons page click the New Submenu Icons button.
    5. Click the Add json file button to upload your Submenu Icons File.
  5. To setup your submenu icons see the 11 step in How to add Configuration.
  6. To activate your submenu icons see the steps in How to activate Configuration.