Before we start talking About Submenu Icons Structure let's first see where the Submenu on our website is located and what it consists of.
Submenu of the website
The Submenu is located on the Home page of the website.
The Home Submenu consists of three configurable independent icons that are related to the categories of products or services.
Note that the
submenu background color depends on the
SubMenu color that has been defined in the
Color Scheme.
Submenu Icons Structure
Vigeowebsite uses submenu icons based on a very simple structure. In Vigeowebsite we have developed this structure with the aim of facilitating to the designers the development of new submenu icons.
The structure of the Vigeowebsite submenu icons is based fundamentally on two
Create your own Vigeowebsite submenu icons
Designers can develop their own submenu icons for Vigeowebsite and use them on the website they generate
What is Designers Program?).
The new Vigeowebsite submenu icons developed by the designers are exclusively owned by them.
The authorship of the Vigeowebsite submenu icons will be recognized as: <Submenu Icons Name> (by <Designer Name>)
Uses Vigeowebsite Market
The designer of a Vigeowebsite submenu icons if you wish can offer your creations to the community only through Vigeowebsite Market.
For your submenu icons to appear on Vigeowebsite Market must be first checked and approved by our team who will ensure that your submenu icons meets all parameters set for Vigeowebsite submenu icons.
Non-commercial use
Non-commercial use of Vigeowebsite Market is free for all designers wishing to make their creations available to the entire community at no cost.
Commercial use
The commercial use of Vigeowebsite Market carries the charge of a commission (a percentage of the price of the item offered) for each successful transaction that takes place.
The item designer is responsible for setting the price of your item and verifying its compatibility with the new versions of Vigeowebsite.