Submenu Icons Components

A Vigeowebsite submenu icons is composed of two folders and a .json file:
  • A single folder with the name of the submenu icons that we will call main folder.
  • A sub-folder under the main folder.
  • A json file that is also named as the submenu icons.

Submenu Icons Folders

Let's assume that the Vigeowebsite submenu icons we want to create is called Cafeteria.
The main folder will be:
  • Cafeteria
The sub-folder under the main folder is:
Then, our folder structure will have the form:
  • Cafeteria
    • Icons

Submenu Icons File

It is a .json text file containing all the specs of the submenu icons.
This file can be created using any simple text editor such as Notepad or some other.
Recall that we are assuming that the Vigeowebsite submenu icons that we want to create is called Cafeteria.
The submenu icons file will be:
  • Cafeteria.json
We already have the structure of our submenu icons armed, now let's see more in detail: