Can I use live chat from my phone?
Question asked by Federico Macia - 10/15/2018 at 4:20 PM
I have activated the new option they offer in their live chat service, but I have the following question:
Can I use live chat from my phone?
I wait your answer
Thank you.

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Jhonny (Staff) Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Mr. Macia,
Yes, you can use and enjoy the new feature we offer within our Vigeowebsite service, simply by downloading the application (It depends on which device and operating system you are using) on ​​your mobile device and accessing your account with the Login and Password .
The messages that people write from your website will arrive directly to your mobile device in your APP, you can also access directly from any browser.
Stay tuned for any other questions or questions you may have.
Thank you.

Jhonny Vigeowebsite Team

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