PNG & JPEG Images Compression (Tinify)

Feature available in version 1.3.1 and above
To get your Tinify API Key follow the next steps
1. Go to Developer API.
2. Enter Your full name and Your email address, then click on Get your API key button.
3.  In your Inbox you will receive an email from TinyPNG with a link to Access your dashboard. You must click on Visit your dashboard button. Check the spam tray if you can not find the email sent by TinyPNG.
4. Copy what is in the box under Grab your API key.
5. Log in to your Vigeowebsite Dashboard and select Settings > Integrations.
6. What you copied in step 4 now paste it into the Tinify API Key box under the PNG & JPEG Images Compression (Tinify) section.
7. To finish, click on Update button.