How to enable or disable Social Media

You can also learn the contents of this manual with our tutorial video.
You can see an example of this step-by-step in our visual manual.

Follow step-by-step instructions below

2. From the Dashboard main menu, expand Look.
3. Under Look you can see the Social Network option.
4. Click Social Network to see the screen that lets you enable or disable the social networks to your website.
5. Locate the Social Network you want to enable or disable and click Edit.
6. You will see the Edit Social Network screen.
7. Enter or delete the information in the Link Url box to enable or disable the social network respectively.
Optionally you can change the order of appearance of the social network in your website, only if you want to activate more than one social network.
8. Click Update.
9. Wait for the dashboard to turn the social network enable or disable.
10. If all OK you will see on the screen the social network enabled or disabled for your website.