About Logo

A logo is an image that unequivocally identifies your company, business, product or service.
A logo is image, your own image, which allows anyone to identify you easily, without usually needing more information.
The importance of the logo is fundamental because through this single image, you must convey a clear concept that allows to somehow identify you, your business or brand.
Your website is a medium through which you are inviting your visitors, and potential customers, to let them know about you, offering them information about your company, business, products or services.
A good logo plays a major role in everything related to the transmission of its personal, corporate or brand image. Your logo directly influences how visitors to your website will perceive both you and your business.

Three types of logos for your website

From your Dashboard you can add three types of logos to your website:
  • Small Image - It is the typical logo located in the upper left of the header.
  • Big Image - It is a logo located in the central part of the header, designed to immediately draw the attention of visitors to your website.
  • Favicon Image - It's a small image that appears on the left side of your browser's tab, right next to the name of your website.
Ideally we recommend adding the three suggested logos, however you can choose to just add the Small Image or the Big Image and maybe the Favicon Image.
The Small Image and Big Image logos, when included, both allow you to return to the Home of your website if the visitor clicks on them.
You may decide not to add any logo, although we strongly recommend that you add at least one Small Image or Big Image. A logo greatly changes the visual impact your website presents to your visitors.

Use your imagination

You could decide to use only the Small Image logo to display it in the upper left of the header and only display the Big Image logo on special occasions like anniversaries or festivities.
You can also have several logos, logos Small Image and Big Image by default and those same logos, but with small modifications, to use them in special dates or seasons of the year, such as the anniversary of your business or the holidays.